Join the fight by taking action together with activists across the globe as the World Economic Forum meets from Sunday 22 May - Thursday 26 May.

You can organise or join a protest from Saturday 21 May onwards. As the 1% gather face to face again at the World Economic Forum in the luxury Swiss mountain resort of Davos in May, we as Fight Inequality Alliance will protest in cities and towns across the world to say we need to ‘Tax The Rich’.

This week we will show that the richest people and corporations are not paying their fair share in every single country. A show of people power that our governments and the multinational leaders who attend Davos are wasting time and money upholding the status quo. We’re demanding a very different future, led by our people power, not the Davos elite.

Share Your Voice

Send a message to your government and let them know why they need to #TaxTheRich. On Wednesday 25 May, while the elites are still meeting in Davos, we will share all the messages on social media and tag your Head of State to make sure we grab their attention.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, billionaires have increased their wealth by an astonishing 68%, while inequality has spiraled and billions face a struggle to survive. Many people have lost their livelihoods, and many more have not had access to life-saving vaccines. Others have seen austerity budgeting mean they go without basic social services. 

Across the world activists like you on the frontlines of inequality are taking a stand and saying this greed of the wealthy elite cannot go on any longer. It's Time to #TaxTheRich. Share your message with your government and collectively we will disrupt the cosy conversations in Davos with a social media tweet storm that have real demands for change.

Find A Protest

Join with thousands of other anti-inequality activists during the WEF by finding a protest near you on the map below.

If there isn’t one planned near you yet, here’s how to plan your own!

Spread the word 

Make sure you invite as many people as possible to join. When you’ve organised your protest, fill in the details here and we will share them on the map below. We want protests in Islamabad, New York, Manila, London, Berlin, Mexico City, Johannesburg, Delhi, Lusaka, Nairobi, and far beyond. The movement and the message is global, so let’s make that visible this week.


Disclaimer: Be sure to take strict Covid-19 prevention measures as you organise or attend any face-to-face event or gathering. Mask up, social distance, sanitise and stay safe.

Social Media Toolkit

Join in the protest online. Download all social media resources you will need.

Download the Social Media Toolkit