United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and G20 Fail to Deliver for the People, Activists Declare

3 September 2024

Manila, The Philippines 

As public anger from growing inequality, climate crisis and rigged economies reaches new heights, activists from around the world are covening in Manila this week to create a blueprint for a new economic system that serves everyone, not just the wealthy few. The gathering is part of an ambitious global movement building process to mobilise the power of the 99%.

Current economic and political systems are not only failing but deepening the inequality crisis which they created. Ordinary people are on the sharp end of these systems that are designed to benefit the richest 1%, while millions struggle to afford basic needs like food, rent, education, and healthcare. Extreme poverty increased for the first time in 25 years. Meanwhile, the world is on the brink of welcoming its first trillionaire. This extreme concentration of wealth is tearing apart the fabric of our societies and destroying our planet.

“Global Inequality is not a natural phenomenon; it’s a result of policies and systems designed to benefit a few. Despite decades of promises, institutions like the IMF, UN, World Bank and G20 have repeatedly shown their inability to address inequality meaningfully. These organizations often promote policies that favor the interests of powerful nations and wealthy elites, exploiting and extracting from those who are most vulnerable. The Global Assembly is about giving a voice to people who know what it’s like to struggle, not those in power who are disconnected from everyday life,” said Lidy Nacpil, Asian People’s Movement on Debt & Development Coordinator.

The Global Assembly represents a collective refusal to accept a system that pushes most people behind. Uniting activists from over 40 countries across the world, this gathering serves as a warning to those in power that people are demanding a fairer world. It amplifies the call for climate justice, gender equality, social justice, economic justice, and space for dissent.

Jenny Ricks, Fight Inequality Alliance General Secretary said: “From the streets of Nairobi to Dhaka and far beyond, the cries of people for a different way of organizing our economies and societies is being heard. At the upcoming assembly, we will be exploring concrete solutions such as fair tax systems, debt cancellation, and equitable access to essential services like education, healthcare and water. These proposed measures represent actionable steps towards a fairer world. Our gathering will showcase the growing power of the 99% and our commitment to creating real, tangible change for everyone.”

This event will culminate in a press conference where key ideas and plans developed during the Assembly will be shared.

  1. Press Conference Details:
    1. Date: Friday, 6th September 2024
    2. Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Philippines Standard Time
    3. Location: University of the Philippines Diliman, Ang Bahay ng Alumni Hall
  2. Spokespersons:
    1. Lidy Nacpil, Asian People’s Movement on Debt & Development
    2. Mputa Ngalande, Fight Inequality Alliance Zambia
    3. Juanita Francis Bone, Mujeres De Asfalto, Ecuador
    4. Farooq Tariq, Fight Inequality Alliance Pakistan
    5. Jenny Ricks, Global Fight Inequality Alliance 

Contact: Akshay Tarfe - akshay.tarfe@oxfam.org/ +918767980522 or Jon Robin Bustamante Robin.Bustamante@oxfam.org.ph /  +63 (02) 8929 4470

About Fight Inequality Alliance

We are a growing global movement organising and mobilising to counter the excessive concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a small elite. We are building a just, equal and sustainable world.

We unite a wide range of social movements, grassroots and community based organisations, civil society organisations, trade unions, artists and individual activists from across the world who share a vision and purpose in fighting the structural causes of inequality together.

We will achieve this by building people power from the grassroots to the global and acting together to create systemic change. We are mobilising in over 40 countries across the world. We build the strength of our national alliances. We leverage our collective voice and demands nationally, regionally and globally so that the demands and actions of people on the frontlines of inequality are driving change.
