Video and photo production for Fight for Alternatives Global Assembly, 4-7 September, The University of the Philippines, Manila

Starting Date: 01 August 2024
Duration: 1 August to 25 September 2024
Location: The University of the Philippines, Manila

1. Introduction

This document outlines the Terms of Reference (TOR) for video filming and production services for the upcoming Fight for Alternatives Global Assembly. See info, agenda and FAQs here. The project requires pictures, livestreaming of certain sessions of the event and filming and editing of a variety of video content to promote the event and showcase its key speakers and content.

Who is the Fight Inequality Alliance?

We are a growing global movement organising and mobilising to counter the excessive concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a small elite. We are building a just, equal and sustainable world.

We unite a wide range of social movements, grassroots and community based organisations, civil society organisations, trade unions, artists and individual activists from across the world who share a vision and purpose in fighting the structural causes of inequality together.
We will achieve this by building people power from the grassroots to the global and acting together to create systemic change.

We are mobilising in over 35 countries across the world. We build the strength of our national alliances. We leverage our collective voice and demands nationally, regionally and globally so that the demands and actions of people on the frontlines of inequality are driving change.

2. Project Objectives

  1. Capture engaging footage of speakers from national alliances, regions (including francophone countries), and the global alliance during the event.
  2. Document the overall event experience through daily highlights, a summary video
  3. Create a short film with the key stories and narratives from the event, to be used in communications and advocacy after the Assembly.
  4. Create video content in both vertical and square formats for optimal performance across various social media platforms.
  5. Livestream key sessions of the event on relevant FIA social media platforms
  6. Create still images of the event for use in various comms, and upload pictures and quotes daily for graphic designer to create for use on social media

3. Deliverables

  • National Alliance Speaker Videos (15): These will be edited by the agency; speakers will record and send the videos before the event.
    1. Three videos featuring speakers from each national alliance on different subjects.
    2. Vertical and square formats for social media distribution.
  • Regional Speaker Videos (12 - including Francophone):
    1. Three videos featuring speakers from each region, including dedicated videos for francophone countries.
    2. Vertical and square formats for social media distribution.
  • Global Alliance Speaker/Champion Videos (5):
    1. Five videos highlighting key speakers and champions from the global alliance.
    2. Vertical and square formats for social media distribution.
  • General Event Videos (8):
    1. Daily highlight videos (1 minute each) capturing key moments from each day of the event from 2nd -7th September.
    2. One summary video
    3. Vertical and square formats for social media distribution.
  • Video equipment for Live Streaming sessions
    1. Four cameras to be used for live streaming sessions on September 4 and 5th
  • Fight For Alternatives advocacy products (2):
    1. A projection of the key narratives and alternative demands to be used at UN Summit of the Future, World Bank/ IMF Annual Meetings, G20 [which should be mirrored with digital content too]
    2. A short film (up to 3 mins) post the event conclusion.

4. Production Scope

  • Pre-Production:
    1. Client consultation to understand event goals and target audience.
    2. Scriptwriting for promotional videos.
    3. Storyboarding and shot planning for all video types.
    4. Location scouting and securing necessary permits (if applicable).
  • Production:
    1. Professional filming of all speakers, event highlights, and promotional content.
    2. High-quality audio recording using appropriate equipment.
    3. Capturing footage in both vertical and square formats for social media optimization.
  • Post-Production:
    1. Professional editing of all video footage.
    2. Motion graphics and animation integration (if required).
    3. Color correction, sound mixing, and music composition.
    4. Integration of captions and subtitles for all videos.
    5. Delivery of final videos in the designated formats.

5. Client Responsibilities

  1. Provide clear and detailed information about the event, objectives, and target audience.
  2. Grant the production company access to filming locations and event spaces.
  3. Coordinate with speakers and ensure their availability for filming.
  4. Provide any necessary branding guidelines, logos, and other visual assets.
  5. Review and provide feedback on video drafts throughout the editing process.
  6. Approve final video deliverables.

6. Production Company Responsibilities

  1. Assign a dedicated project manager to oversee all aspects of production.
  2. Assign a producer to work with the Fight Inequality team to work on content planning, questions for speakers who will be featured.
  3. Assemble a qualified team of videographers, editors, and sound technicians.
  4. Secure all necessary equipment for pictures, filming and audio recording.
  5. Capture high-quality video and audio footage adhering to the agreed-upon shot list and storyboards.
  6. Develop and edit all videos according to the project timeline and feedback.
  7. Deliver final video files in the designated formats and specifications.

7. Timeline

  • A detailed production schedule will be developed upon contract finalisation. The timeline will encompass pre-production, production, and post-production phases, ensuring timely delivery of all video assets.

8. Location

Pre-production work can be done from home base. Filming during the Assembly will be in Manila, The Philippines

9. Selection Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevant experience in video production for events and conferences.
  2. Preference if the company has former journalists in the team or has previously worked with non-profits and social movements.
  3. Understanding of the project objectives and target audience.
  4. Competitive pricing and proposed team expertise.
  5. A proven track record of developing and delivering a variety of communications content that achieves results
  6. Excellent project management skills and the ability to work effectively with diverse groups and contexts to create and implement coherent communications strategies
  7. Extensive social media and web content production experience
  8. Ability to develop a clear and coherent content for each social media platform
  9. Proven ability to deliver under specific deadlines.
  10. Possesses strong organisational and detail-oriented skills.
  11. Audience driven, with knowledge and insight into how to craft global narratives that also speak to national realities

10. Copyright and Ownership

All rights and ownership of the final and b-roll video materials and images will be transferred to the client upon full payment.

This Terms of Reference serves as a comprehensive outline for the video production project for the event. We encourage open communication throughout the process to ensure a successful outcome that meets the client's vision and objectives.

How to Apply:

Applications should be submitted via email to with ‘Application for Content Producer consultancy’ in the subject line.

Please share the following documents:

  1. Portfolio of your work along with showreels
  2. Company profile and team member details
  3. Budget: A comprehensive budget proposal based on the scope of work outlined in this TOR. The budget must include all associated costs, including personnel, equipment, editing, and deliverables.

Last date of submission: 30 July 2024